National Headquarters
Official Website

Download Logos
The use and styles of the AMVETS logos is comprehensive and restrictive for all media, formats and presentation. Included (but not limited to):
Physical products, to include printed items such as letterhead, business cards, publications, invitations, posters, banners, signs, flyers, etc.; and “emblematic” items such as plaques, gifts, hats, shirts, mugs, etc.
Digital products, to include electronic placement in electronic/digital publications, Websites, video/television, social media, e-mail, etc.
The AMVETS National headquarters grants to designated Quartermasters, limited permitted usage rights to the AMVETS logo with regard to merchandise offered for sale or on which this logo is affixed. Exceptions to this policy, such as unsupervised or exclusive usage by a non-associated or third party vendor, will require approval by National Headquarters, based on a written request by the subordinate organization explaining why the deviation is necessary. The requesting organization, however, should first ascertain whether National or Department Quartermasters are in a position to either supply the merchandise outright or arrange for its availability through an authorized vendor.
As with any corporate symbol, maintaining the appropriate colors in The AMVETS Family logos ensures their integrity and recognition. When using any of the logos, please provide these instructions to your printer:
1-color usage:
Print in the darkest color if the standard colors listed below are not used.
2-color usage:
Wreath, “AMVETS” type and bottom arc print solid PMS 287 Blue.
Stars are White.
Top arc prints solid PMS 186 Red.
Eagle is White.
If printed in 2 colors, logo may ONLY be printed in the above PMS colors.
Logo may be reversed out of a dark background.
3-color usage (Red, Blue and Gold):
Wreath leaves print solid PMS 117c Gold or PMS 872 Metallic Gold on coated paper stocks, or PMS 110u on uncoated paper stocks).
Top arc prints solid PMS 186 Red.
“AMERICAN VETERANS” type and head of eagle are White.
Body of eagle, “AMVETS” type and bottom arc print solid PMS 287 Blue.
Stars are White.
For affiliate organizations’ logos:
Auxiliary: bottom rocker is solid PMS 186 Red; type is White.
Sons of AMVETS: bottom rocker is solid PMS 287 Blue; type is White.
Junior AMVETS: bottom rocker is solid PMS Gold (see Gold specifications above); type is White.
4-color usage (Red, Blue, Gold and Black):
Wreath leaves print solid PMS Gold (see paper stock specification above).
Top arc prints solid PMS 186 Red.
“AMERICAN VETERANS” type and head of eagle are White.
Body of eagle and bottom arc print solid PMS 287 Blue.
Stars are White.
“AMVETS” type prints solid Black.
For affiliate organizations’ logos:
Auxiliary: bottom rocker is solid PMS 186 Red; type is White.
Sons of AMVETS: bottom rocker is solid PMS 287 Blue; type is White.
Junior AMVETS: bottom rocker is solid PMS Gold (see Gold specifications above); type is White.
4-color process usage:
Follow these color builds when using 4-color process printing:
PMS 117c Gold: C0.0 M18.5 Y100.0 K15.0
PMS 110u Gold: C0.0 M11.5 Y94.0 K6.0
PMS 186 Red: C0.0 M91.0 Y76.0 K6.0
PMS 287 Blue: C100.00 M69.0 Y0.0 K11.5
Solid Black: C0.0 M0.0 Y0.0 K100.00