National Headquarters
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Newsletters & Podcasts
American Veterans National Headquarters creates and distributes an electronic national update monthly. The e-update is produced by the AMVETS National Headquarters’ Communications Department, featuring important issues affecting both veterans and active duty military. AMVETS is committed to provide you with a voice.
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Rob Wilkins is a retired US Air Force Master Sergeant and member of the President's Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition (PCSFN). He works as the Military Evangelist at Sightline Media Group, the leading news organization covering military, defense, public sector, federal technology, C4ISR and cyber defense as well as the Senior Military Editor of Muscle & Fitness. On this episode of the American Veterans Podcast, we discuss National Military Fitness & Wellness Month, the decline in military recruitment numbers, and what we can collectively due to curb our nation's leading cause of health complications and death: obesity.